Friday, September 24, 2010

Fashion...with a vintage air

As I are the photos! I'll start with Adriana ( also known as Adu ) by saying that she's my make-up artist, helping me all the way, and she's a tiny lil' blonde that just turned 22 a few days ago ( happy b'day again :D ). We've managed to arrange a little surprise party at the studio,but the best part was the delicious cake... Let's get over it and focus on the photos :D 

Next on the "black" list is Manu :P She's kinda' fashion addicted and that's why she has a whole blog about it. Wanna find more? Just visit her blog and get dressed up with style :P


Next on the "black" list is Lore, who's "running me" three or four times around the park but hasn't got a chance of catching me :-" A lovely athletic type of person that lives nearby Bucharest ...( it's kind of a country girl :> ) but very well integrated in the city.


 Closing the list is Alina, our swimming teacher :D With no further introduction here she is:

see ya' next time :D